Thursday 14 July 2011

Ann Arbor Dentists: Tips to maintain oral hygiene

Maintaining your oral hygiene and taking care of it is as important as taking care of any other part of your body and your outer personality. There are a lot of people who according to them make dedicate efforts to protect their oral health from any kind of cavities or other problems but it how will you get to know the efforts you are making are adequate enough to escape from expensive tooth treatments.You can follow the below mentioned tips given by Ann Arbor dentists that can assure you good oral hygiene.

1. Bad habits are considered as the biggest contributor of low oral hygiene. According to Ann Arbor dentists, regular consumption of soda, juices and other liquids which contain high amount of sugar level are one of the major reasons for poor oral hygiene which is considered as very harmful for teeth. Ann Arbor dentist always recommend taking foods that are healthy and impacts your body for its betterment.

2. To avoid bad breath and to maintain beautiful smile forever, it is important that brush twice a day. Ones in the morning and ones in the evening before going to bed. You don’t have to brush twice just for the sake of doing it, you need to make sure that your brush is hard and it reaches hard areas in your mouth. This will help you to escape from various pains and you should always replace your brush after every 6 months.

3.Eat fruits which are rich in vitamins such as watermelon, cucumber and vegetables specifically green vegetables are very beneficial for oral health. In order to achieve good oral hygiene, you don’t need to essentially cut down the sugar level; instead you should take it in limit so that it doesn’t damage your teeth.

Except from the above mentioned tips it is important that you find yourself a trustworthy Ann Arbor dentist in order to get your regular checkups done.